Are you struggling to program your RCA Universal Remote? Look no further! This Article offers a detailed step-by-step guide to help you navigate the programming process effortlessly.

Our knowledgeable guide will explain each step clearly, making it easy for you to follow along and program your remote successfully.

From inputting the correct code to syncing it with your devices, this tutorial covers it all. Simplify your home entertainment setup and enjoy the convenience of a single remote with this informative guide

GE Universal Remote Codes for Rca

10765 11347 11447 10451 12293 10051 12360 10178 11547 10047 10000

Rca Universal Remote Codes for Jvc TV

12360 12049 14398 11670 11756 13183 10053 10731 10463 11892 14053 11570 12434 12271 10650 11774 11601 14105 13650 10885 13118 12321 11253

Rca Universal Remote Codes Hisense

14398 10178 11756 11314 10818 13183 13519 12434 12355 12419 10885 12049 13382 12360 12183 12098

Rca Universal Remote Codes Tcl

13183 10885 10047 11756 14398 12049 12293 12434

Rca Universal Remote Codes Sharp TV

10818 12183 10885 13519 12049 10093 12360 10178 11756 12434 13720 12402 14398 11457 13183

Rca Universal Remote Codes Philips TV

11963 10054 11394 11990 11365 11589 12372 11454 11867 11314 12374 10885 10017 11755 13183 13623 12337 10171 11866 12434 14398 11756 12049 10690

Rca Universal Remote Codes for Dynex TV

11780 12184 11810 12049 11785

Rca Universal Remote Codes for Sony TV

11712 11685 11300 10810 10000 12337

Rca Universal Remote Codes Sony DVD Player

31633 31904 32132 31516 31033 31070 30533 30864 31431 30772 32020

Rca Universal Remote Codes List

Brand Code
Proscan10047 11712 13382 13636 13953 13559 14053 13118 11447 14035 12183 14093 13577 13332 13717 12746 11347 12147 10000 13907 12256 12293 13895 13939
RadioShack10047 10000 12293 10178
Rca Universal Remote Roku Code10178 11756 12434 10885 12049 10463 13183 10818 14398 10047 12360 12187 12247 13078 11781 11447
Rca Universal Remote Codes for Samsung TV11755 10650 10178 11959 13382 13118 10702 10766 11060 12051 11632 10812 10060
Rca Universal Remote Codes for Vizio TV12512 12707 12247 12757 13415 10885 11756 10864 13758 11758
Westinghouse13949 10000 10810 13579 14398 13559 10463 10889 11712 11577 12049 12293 11300 10451 13470 13094 11217 13899 12434 10885 13183 13382 11756 12337 11282 12397
Toshiba11945 11265 10702 11959 11156 11935 10650 11356 11291 10060 11524 12724 11369 11704 10156 10845 11256 11314 11656 12006
TCL14398 13183 11756 12434 12049 10885 12293 10047
Rca Universal Remote Codes for Sylvania TV11314 10171 13332 11864 13577 11271 11963 14053 11665 11944 11886 10054 11394
Rca Universal Remote Codes for Zenith TV10047 11365 12337 12358 11423 11145 10017 10145 10000 12731 11661 11265 10463 10178 12271
Rca Universal Remote Codes Sharp TV10885 10818 13183 12434 10093 12402 12360 13519 13720 11457 12183 12049 14398 11756 10178
Seiki12964 13470 13382 10178 13953 13559 13560
Code for Sanyo TV for Rca Universal Remote11480 14398 11564 10054 12049 11785 11142 11362 10885 11756 13488 13183 12434
Rca Universal Remote Code for Sansui TV10463 13540 11892 10171 11409 13559 11670 13939 14053 13564 11935
Insignia14398 11892 12002 11810 12417 13227 11780 10463 11517 12184 12049 11564 12751 11385 10171 11963 11641 13183 10885 11423 12434 11785 11756
Hisense12049 12434 14398 12098 12183 12355 12419 10178 13183 10885 13382 11314 13519 11756 10818 12360
Haier13382 13183 12309 13204 11570 12049 11749 14398 12293 10885 11753 11756 13118 12434 11748
GE12360 12293 11447 10047 10178 10451 10000 11347 10765 11547 10051
Rca Universal Remote Codes Emerson TV11963 10702 13559 10451 10171 10178 10463 13623 11864 12183 11665 11661 11886 11944 11394
element tv codes for rca universal remote12183 12049 14217 13559 11886 12434 11756 13183 10885 12256 14398 12964 13907 11687
Rca Universal Remote Codes for Dell TV11080 11863 11264
Philips-Magnavox11867 10171 13623 10054
Panasonic10150 11941 10171 10051 11457 10178 10650 10156 10054 10093 12240 10060 11291 11347 11927 10047 11480 10145 10250 11271 11946
ONN10463 10047 11447 12434 11781 12187 12049 11756 13183 12247 10885 13078 14398
Polaroid11524 11498 11826 11538 12434 13118 11769 11385 13382 12121 10865 12002 10765 11766 14035 11767 11276 11589 11314 11523 11687
Magnavox11755 11454 11944 11867 11756 10171 13183 10802 13623 11365 11963 10051 10054 11314 11990 11866 10885 11254 12372 14398 12434 12049
Mitsubishi11797 10178 10150 10093 12360 11250
rca universal remote codes for lg tv11314 11756 12358 12049 14398 11447 11265 12271 11758 13183 10885 12731 12434 12424 10856 10178 10017 11423
Rca Universal Remote Codes for Toshiba TV12724 11945 11291 11314 11935 11356 11959 10060 12006 11369 11256 10650 11656 10702 10845 10156 11704 11524 11156 11265
rca universal remote codes for westinghouse tv12293 13470 12337 13382 10889 12049 11756 11712 14398 10451 13899 11577 10000 11282 13094 13949 13183 11300 10885 10810 12434 11217 10463 12397 13559 13579
rca universal remote codes for dynex tv11810 11785 12184 11780 12049
rca universal remote codes for hisense tv12183 12360 12098 12355 13519 11314 12434 14398 13382 12049 10818 11756 10178 12419 13183 10885
rca universal remote codes for sony tv10810 10000 11712 11685 12337 11300
rca universal remote codes for onn tv10047 12434 10463 11781 12049 12247 13078 13183 11447 14398 12187 11756 10885
rca universal remote codes for magnavox tv11365 11314 10802 12049 10051 10054 11254 11866 13623 11755 14398 10885 13183 11454 11990 11867 11944 12434 12372 11756 10171 11963
blackweb remote codes for rca tv0091 0009 2425 2426
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