The Apex Digital TV Universal Remote Codes listed here are the best working codes and will surely program your device.

Once you enter the code for your device, the next step is to follow the programming instructions. Programming the Magnavox remote is very easy as it takes less time to complete the process.

Apex Digital TV Universal Remote Codes

In this post, you will get the working codes for any device brand. These codes are provided in four digits and you have to try one code after another to set the correct programming.

Once you enter the right code, perform the instructions of programming carefully. In this way, you will successfully program your device with the universal remote.

Apex TV 3 Digit Remote Codes


APEX TV Four-Digit Remote Control Codes-


APEX TV Remote Control 5 Digit Codes-

11943 10890

Apex TV Codes for Rca Universal Remote


Apex TV Codes for GE Universal Remote


Philips Universal Remote Codes for Apex TV


APEX VCR Universal Remote Code List


Comcast Remote Codes for Apex TV


Apex Digital TV Converter Box DT502 Universal Remote Code


How can I program Apex Tv universal remote without using codes

In the auto search method, all the available universal remote codes are once scanned by the remote control. The remote scans one code at a time to find out the correct code that can work with the device to program. To program, you have to follow the below-given instructions

Step- 1. First, power on the device that you want to program with the remote to control

 Step 2. Now, Turn on the device button like TV, CBL, Ok, SEL, etc for about three (3) seconds. When the LED light indicates when your device is ready to program.

Step 3. Facing the remote control to the device click on the CH+/CH- buttons and the remote will show on/off signals. Now turn off the device by clicking up or down the key.

Step 4. After that, verify your code by clicking on the power button on the remote control and the device will switch on.

Step 5. Try changing the channel to ensure that your device is working correctly.

Step 6. Lastly, you can save the code by clicking on the device button. To confirm the LED light will blink twice. Your code is saved now.

How to program Apex Tv universal remote manually

With the help of a key code, one can easily program a universal remote and the key code can find out the model of your device.

Step 1. First, Power on the device that you want to program with the universal remote control.

Step 2. Now, press the Tv button on your Apex universal remote control.

Step 3. After that, press the setup button and hold it until the light flashes and it means your device is all set to program.

Step 4. At this point, enter the key code that you have selected from the code list. After that, pointing the remote to the device, clicking the power button and holding it when the device turns off releases the power button.

That’s it. You have completely done the process. Now, you have to check if the remote control is working with the device and if not then select another code from the list following the same process then you can program your remote.

How to program Apex Tv universal remote with code search method

When you can’t find the code that can work with the device then you can use this code search method to get the right code. The manual forces the remote to search for its code.

Step 1. First, Turn the device on. The device that you want to program and control by the remote.

Step 2. Press and hold the setup button now.

Step 3. Enter the 9-9-1 digit code

Step 4. Hold the power button on the remote and click on the channel up and hold it until the device turns off.

Step 5. The given 4th step might take some extra time however the step is important to find the right code.

When you are done with the above process then your remote will work properly with all its functions.

Hopefully, the above method will work for you and you can easily program your Apex Tv with your favorite remote control.

How can I check if my Apex remote is a universal remote?

 Some Tv remotes that come with Apex Tvs are Apex universal remotes. That means you can control other devices with the help of the Apex universal remote.

To confirm whether your Apex remote is universal or not then check if the remote has set and mode options. If the remote has both options then your Apex remote is universal.

If you couldn’t find the Apex universal remote codes that help you in the given list then comment down we’ll add on.

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