Are you searching for the codes for direct tv code for onn tv? You need not look any further. You may take a chance on us.

We have a complete list of Directv codes for Onn TV and programming instructions.

So, start by reading this guide and choosing which code is the most appropriate to program your remote control for onn tv.

In this guide, we will talk about how to program direct tv remote control for onn television . the below section highlights a complete list of Directv Code for Onn TV, there for check the complete list and pick a suitable code from the given table

ONN TV Codes For DirecTV


How to Program Direct TV Remote Control

Step -1 • To start, find your direct tv remote code from the list below.

Step -2• Turn on the TV and point the remote at the screen.

Step -3 . Use the SELECT and MUTE buttons on your DIRECTV remote to press and hold them until the GREEN LED flashes three times. Then, let go of the buttons.

Step -4 • With your DIRECTV remote control, type in the four-digit remote code for your TV (GREEN LED will blink for each number that is pressed)

Step -5 • After you enter the remote code, the GREEN LED on your DIRECTV remote will flash twice to show that you did it right.

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