Pavy Universal Remotes distinguish the code for different devices, such as Insignia, Vizio, Element TV, etc. Now you can use these Pavy Universal Remote control Codes thats are given in table below. If you do not know how to program a universal remote control for your device, try the following methods, and then simply control the device.
Are you searching for Pavy Universal Remote Control TV Codes ? if your answer is yes then you are in the right page. in this page, we have mentioned all pavy universal remote tv codes list with pavy universal remote guide
Pavy Universal Remote Control TV Codes List
If you want to program your device with a Pavy universal remote control, then here are the best Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes for you. The below-mentioned Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes can be used to control your favorite device of any brand when paired with the right compatible code. Use one code after another till you get the proper connection.
Universal Remote Code List & Guide
RCA Universal Remote Codes List & Program Instructions
Pavy Universal Remote Codes for LG TV
LG is a famous brand and these televisions are found in many houses. Using a Pavy universal remote is a better choice as it can control multiple devices. The only thing is you need to enter a code that links with the brand of your device. From the table list below, you have to select Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes for lg tv that matches your LG TV.
910 | 700 | 619 |
How to Program a Lg Universal Remote to a TV Without Codes
Read More : Lg Universal TV Remote Control Codes List & Program Methods
List of Pavy Universal Insignia TV Universal Remote Codes
If you own an Insignia TV and the original universal remote of this TV got misplaced, there is only one option. Use a Pavy universal remote to control your Insignia TV. The Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes are given below of which, you need to enter the correct key code for programming your Insignia TV. Use one code after another along with programming steps.
909 | 201 | 934 | 919 |
614 | 301 | 920 | 303 |
Samsung TV Remote Codes for Pavy Universal Remote
The list Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes for samsung to program your Samsung TV is mentioned on this section. You need to select a code that pairs your Samsung brand TV with the Pavy universal remote. Enter one code using theuniversal remote’s keypad and try to program your Samsung TV. If it does not work, try another Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes from the same table.
619 | 601 | 930 |
903 | 607 | 617 |
List of Pavy Universal Remote Codes for Philips Brand TV
If you carry a Philips TV at your home, it is better to use a Pavy universal remote to operate it. Pavy universal remote when paired with the right code can easily program your Philips TV and you can enjoy unlimited TV programs. Choose the compatible code from the below table consisting of Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes to control your Philips TV.
905 | 909 | 301 | 803 | 906 |
601 | 908 | 907 | 617 | – |
Pavy Universal Element TV Remote Codes
The Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes for programming your Element TV are mentioned on this page. To control your Element TV, you have to enter a remote code by using the number pad of the Pavy universal remote that matches your TV brand. Along with proper programming steps and the right code, one can easily program their favorite device
0284 | 0299 |
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Insignia
201, 301, 303, 614, 909, 919, 920, 934
Pavy Universal Remote Codes Emerson
101, 103, 200, 201, 620, 901, 902
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Vizio Tv
Pavy Universal Remote Codes Magnavox
301, 302, 303, 601, 615, 617, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Element Tv
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Magnavox
301, 302, 303, 601, 615, 617, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Panasonic Tv
004, 202, 610, 802
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Philips Tv
301, 601, 617, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Rca Tv
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Sanyo
620, 801, 931
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Lg Tv
619, 700, 910
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Samsung
601, 607, 617, 619, 903, 930
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Zenith Tv
611, 614, 619, 700, 900
Pavy Universal Remote Codes For Toshiba Tv
609, 613, 620, 903
GE | 402, 405, 400, 401, , 607, 608, 802 , 100, 200, 202 |
Insignia | 909, 919, 614, 920, 934 , 201, 301, 303 |
Panasonic | 004, 802 , 202, 610 |
Mitsubishi | 607, 617 , 104, 500, 601 |
Hitachi | 606, 916, 619 , 005, 611 |
Sony | 605 |
Toshiba | 620, 903 , 609, 613, |
Supreme | 605 |
Samsung | 619, 617,903, 930 , 601, 607 |
Motorola | 802 , 500 |
Vizio | 927 |
MEI | 103 |
Sylvaina | 901 , 201, 301, 601 |
NTC | 900 |
Zenith | 700, 619, 900 , 611, 614 |
Symphonic | 901 , 201 |
Majestic | 611 |
Optimus | 620 , 004, 603 |
Sanyo | 931 , 620, 801 |
Marantz | 601 , 301 |
Yamaha | 617 , 601 |
Matsushita | 004 |
Olevia | 923 |
KEC | 901 |
Runco | 700 , 601, 616 |
Memorex | 614, 620 , 004, 104, 607, 611,615 |
Megatron | 607 , 606 |
JVC | 701 |
Noshi | 800 |
LG | 910 , 619, 700 |
RadioShack | 617, 607, 610, 619, 620, 621, 901 , 400, 402 |
Nikko | 900 , 601, 607 |
Magnavox | 617, 301, 302, 303, 601, 615, 803, 905, 906, 907, 908, 909 |
NAD | 609 , 603, 607 |
Pilot | 617 , 601 |
Sansui | 902 , 614, 615 |
Polaroid | 915, 910, 913, 917, 920 , 400 |
JCB | 605 |
Kenwood | 617 , 601 |
LXI | 607, 620 , 301, 400, 402, 609 |
Onwa | 901 |
Celebrity | 605 |
JBL | 618 , 000, 604, 301 |
Philco | 614, 606, 617 , 301, 601 |
Admiral | 614, 610, 615,902 , 500, 501 |
Pioneer | 600 , 603 |
Hallmark | 607 |
Daytron | 617 |
Clairtone | 103 |
NEC | 619 , 601, 617 |
Crown | 901 |
CXC | 901 |
Futuretec | 901 |
Starlite | 901 |
Fisher | 801 , 620 |
Luxman | 619 |
SSS | 901 , 617 |
Fujitsu | 615 , 300 |
Envision | 601 |
Inteq | 700 |
Funai | 615 , 201, 901 |
Squareview | 201 |
KTV | 601 , 103, 901 |
MTC | 619, 903 , 103, 601, 617 |
Advent | 932 , 911, 933 |
Soundesign | 615 , 607, 901 |
Infinity | 301 |
Signature | 611 |
Aiko | 900 |
Brockwood | 617 |
Logik | 611 |
Candle | 601, 619 |
Akai | 601 |
Tandy | 500 |
Electroband | 103, 605 |
Bradford | 901 |
AOC | 601 , 103 , 617 |
Minutz | 608 |
Belcor | 617 |
Broksonic | 902 , 614 |
Techwood | 619 , 202 |
Craig | 901 |
Citizen | 903 , 601, 619, 900 |
TMK | 619 , 602, 607 |
Bell&Howell | 620 , 611 |
Durabrand | 914, 918 , 201, 614, 615 |
Contec | 901 , 103 |
Dumont | 700 , 617 |
Changhong | 618 |
Multitech | 901 |
Trutech | 101 |
Emerson | 620, 901, 200, 201 , 902 , 101, 103 |
Optonica | 610 , 500 |
Victor | 701 |
Roomconx | 924 , 614, 615, 902 |
Vidtech | 607, 617 |
Crosley | 301, 303 |
Philips | 906, 803, 905, 907, 908, 909 , 301, 601, 617 |
Concerto | 619 |
Westinghouse | 926, 928 |
Daewoo | 900 , 100, 101, 617 |
Orion | 902 , 614, 615 |
Wards | 610, 607, 608, 611, 615, 617, 619 , 301, 601 |
Sharp | 501, 610, 929 , 500 |
Teknika | 615 , 605, 611, , 617, 619, 900, 901 , 104, 301 |
Proton | 607 , 102 |
KLH | 618 |
ESA | 903 , 201, 601, 901 |
Quasar | 802 , 004, 202, 610 |
Konka | 904 , 002, 003, 304, 001 |
ILO | 921, 925 |
Rhapsody | 103 |
Portland | 617, 900 |
Harvard | 901 |
Scott | 607, 615, 617, 901, 902 |
Pulsar | 617, 700 |
Grundy | 901 , 615 |
Simpson | 803 |
Proscan | 402 , 400 |
Tatung | 802 |
Sampo | 601 |
Gibralter | 700 , 601, 617 |
MGA | 607, 617 , 104, 500, 601 |
Shogun | 617 |
Prism | 202 |
Haier | 914, 918 |
Scotch | 607 |
Sears | 615, 620, 801 , 201, 301, 400, 402, 607, 609, 622 |
Technics | 004, 202 |
Apex | 618 , 000, 604 |
Sharp | 929 , 500, 501, 610 |
Audiovox | 901 , 100, 101, 900 |
Goldstar | 619 , 601, 607, 617 |
Pavy Universal Remote Setup With Keycode
With this code, you can easily program pavy universal remotes , and the lock code determines the make and model of the device.
Step 1. First, turn on the device.
Step 2. Press “TV” in “Pavy Universal Remote”.
Step 3. Now press and hold the “Settings” button on the universal remote until “Light Flash” is displayed (in “Learning Mode”). )
Step 4. Finally, enter the “lock code” compiled in the programming manual (pavy universal remote manual).
Step 5. After that, point the “Remote Control on the TV” and press the “Power Button”. You can release the on / off button. Whenever the screen turns off.
That’s all. Now the TV works fine with a universal remote control. If the device does not work, repeat the same procedure with a different Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes in the same section of the lookup table.
How to Program a Pavy Universal Remote With Code Search
If you cannot find the lock code that works on your current device, you can set up a universal remote control to find the right one. The code in the instructions for putting the universal remote control in search mode.
Step 1. First, click “Activate device”, the “Settings” button and continue to click.
Step 2. Enter the code “9-9-1” (3 digits).
Step 3. Now press and hold the “Power” button on the remote control, and in this case, press the channel until the TV turns off.
The method described above can take a lot of time, but entering the lock code is very important. After the above process, the remote control will perform all functions.
Pavy Universal Remote Setup- Manual Method
If none of the above methods help, the last method is “Manual tuning”. If you set up the universal remote control manually, your device may work correctly.
Step 1. Enter “the universal remote control or remote control you wish to replace.”
Step 2. Now select on the “Settings” or “Magic” button.
Step 3. Then enter “Code” (see User Guide) to program the manual.
Step 4. Then press and hold the appropriate button on the “original remote control”.
Step 5. Finally, one of the indicators “blinks”, which means that it was saved correctly Voice control.
Step 6. After performing all the necessary functions, repeat all the programming steps and, finally, press the “Settings” button again to end the session.
Find the List of Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes Program Steps
Pavy is one of the top-notch TV brands in the market. Usually, Pavy televisions come with universal remote control. But in case, you misplace that remote or it got damaged, you can prefer a universal remote to program your Pavy TV or any other device. But for programming, you should need a list of Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes and the steps of programming the device.
You must know the programming guide of a universal remote with the Pavy TV before you enter the code. Here, you will get Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes to program different devices like Insignia, LG, Element, Vizio, Samsung and more. Don’t worry if the below remote codes do not work, keep trying with one by code till you succeed in connecting the universal remote with your brand device.
How will you program Pavy Universal Remote without Pavy Universal Remote TV Codes ?
The automatic searching method does scanning of all universal remote codes in the remote. The remote scans a single code at one particular time to get the right code working with your remote to program the control. Check out the user manual below:
- Turn on your smart Pavy TV that you wish to control. After that, open the remote and click the device button for 3 seconds. The LED light on the remote indicates the device is ready for programming.
- Aim your universal remote to the device and hit the channel up or down buttons. The remote control will display the on or off signals. You need to press the up or down buttons repeatedly until the Pavy TV turns off.
- Confirm the remote code by tapping on the power button. Your smart TV will turn on. If it gets on, change the channels to confirm that the remote is programmed properly.
- Then, tap on the button of the device (TV) to save the remote code. The LED light of the Pavy TV will blink two times for verifying the code stored.
How to program a Pavy Universal Remote Control Manually?
With the help of a key code, one can easily program a universal remote control as the key code identifies the type and model of your gadget. Look at the programming steps given below:
- Initially, switch on the device (TV) that you want to have control of. Press the component button ‘TV’ on the Pavy universal remote.
- Next, click on the Setup button on the universal remote and hold it down till it shows the Light Flash. Now, it is in learning mode.
- At last, you need to type in the key code that you collected from the user manual.
- After finishing this process, aim your Pavy remote at the TV and press and hold down the power button. You have to release the button when the screen turns off.
That’s all with the process; your TV will work properly with the universal remote. If the device will not work, repeat the same method by using a different code from the list of Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes list.
This article has helped you with the latest Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes that can be paired with any brand device. Use the compatible code from the given list for controlling your device with the Pavy universal remote. If you fail to connect the device with the Pavy Universal Remote Control Codes, don’t get worried and try with another code till you succeed in getting the perfect connection.