Nowadays, people are finding shortcut ways to make their life more comfortable and easy. We use many appliances in our house that make our life easy like air conditioners, coffee machines, TVs and many more.

Most time, people get frustrated with getting tangled up with too many remote controllers for operating different devices. Here, you will learn to use the Spectrum universal remote to control all your electronic devices at home. But you will need codes for Spectrum universal remote not only to control the Spectrum TV but also other electronic gadgets.

Below, you will get the best Spectrum universal remote codes along with a programming guide to operating your Spectrum TV. You have to enter the code which is compatible with the programming device and program the universal remote. Just scroll down and take a lot of information from this post to make your busy life easier and more comfortable.

List of Spectrum Remote Codes RC122

Here, we’ve mentioned spectrum remote codes RC122 completely. To find out the correct code you just need to look at the below table, select the correct code, then enter the code using the manual method to program your remote.

GE1022, 1164, , 1179, 1004, 1018 , 1193 , 1003
Insignia1251 , 1271 , 1196 , 1275 , 1182 , 1017 , 1155 , 1116 , 1189 , 1267
Emerson1018 , 1251 , 1014 , 1020 , 1241 , 1019 , 1172 , 1027 , 1023 , 1017 , 1361
LG1079 , 1264 , 1373 , 1178 , 1318 , 1035 , 1225 ,1234, 1307 , 1018 , 1340 , 1013
Magnavox1115 , 1191 , 1180 , 1251 , 1242 , 1053 , 1126 , 1227 , 1171 , 1002 , 1302 , 1006 , 1262 , 1322 , 1332 , 1038 , 1304 , 1296 , 1372
Mitsubishi1018 , ,1312 ,1324 , 1066, 1013 , 1011 , 1349 , 1124 , 1084 , 1195
Panasonic1028 , 1021 , 1249 , 1004 , 1342 , 1141 , 1344 , 1289 , 1254 , 1253
Philips1184 , 1113 , 1322 , 1345 , 1180 ,1302 , 1034 , 1006 , 1363 , 1224 ,1242 , 1296
Dell1018 , 1105 , 1175 , 1240 , 1130
Toshiba1007 , 1028 , 1014 , 1163 , 1015 , 1127 , 1212 , 1168 , 1173 , 1190 , 1062 , 1252 , 1071 , 1246 , 1018 , 1338 , 1353 , 1114 , 1369 , 1219 , 1300
Westinghouse1133 , 1221 , 1198 , 1092 , 1095 , 1096
Haier1309 , 1225 , 1354 ,1378 , 1102 , 1178 , 1390 , 1226 , 1325 , 1341
Vizio1228 , 1299 , 1380 , 1230 , 1333 , 1092 , 1187 , 1081 , 1293 , 1306
Sony1178 , 1000 , 1370 , 1152 , 1218 , 1064 , 1288 , 1326
Philips Magnavox1242 , 1322
Symphonic1017 , 1330 , 1019 , 1251
Samsung1036 , 1044 , 1007 , 1295 , 1002 , 1055 , 1327 , 1290 , 1057 , 1104 , 1298 , 1046 , 1336 , 1197 , 1244
Viewsonic1162, 1209, 1199 , 1223 , 1274 , 1092 , 1381 , 1080 , 1315 , 1081 , 1171 , 1367 , 1227 , 1269 , 1343 ,1158 , 1051 ,
Sylvania1149 , 1241 , 1347 , 1002 , 1017 , 1291 , 1006 , 1321 , 1348 , 1131 , 1243 , 1172 , 1251
Hitachi1365, 1374 , 1311 , 1320 , 1211, 1111 , 1051, 1287 , 1012 , 1351
Sharp1075 , 1313 , 1011 , 1308 , 1025 , 1055 , 1060 , 1301 , 1297 , 1033 , 1328 , 1294 , 1205 , 1346
Zenith1178 , 1001 , 1018 , 1023 , 1392 , 1010
Pioneer1173 , 1181 , 1384 , 1083 , 1128 , 1016 , 1031 , 1383
Sansui1310 , 1316 , 1023 , 1246 , 1391 , 1182 , 1176 ,1248
RCA1267 ,1255 , 1009 , 1003 , 1123 , 1103 , 1258 , 1179 , 1013 , 1237 , 1031 , 1259 , 1334 , 1112 , 1281 , 1285 , 1350 , 1356 , 1303 , 1345 , 1164 , 1394 , 1193
Hisense1279 , 1041
Proscan1286 , 1003 , 1179 , 1277 , 1279 , 1164
Wards1083 , 1006 , 1002 , 1013 , 1018 , 1114
Sanyo1097 , 1014 , 1052 , 1008 , 1109
Polaroid1263 , 1137 , 1156 , 1065 , 1276 ,1045 ,1155 , 1232 , 1161 , 1235 , 1135 , 1233 , 1157 , 1260 ,1151 , 1129 ,1132 , 1149 , 1082 , 1267
Envision1393 , 1002 , 1171 , 1269 , 1056
Radio Shack1018 , 1003 , 1002 , 1014 ,1019
GPX1339 , 1319 , 1366 , 1335
Sceptre1352 , 1120 , 1169 , 1203 , 1376 , 1089
Hewlett Packard1108 , 1185 , 1188 , 1106 , 1107
Orion1182 , 1020 , 1023
Yamaha1063 , 1013 , 1002 , 1051 , 1067, 1048
JVC1368 , 1125 , 1005 , 1236 , 1040 , 1377 , 1204
Soundesign1018 , 1019
Apex1047 , 1045 , 1359
Hyundai1121 , 1142 , 1074
Sears1018 , 1003 , 1071 , 1014 , 1006 , 1017 , 1015
White Westinghouse ,1027 , 1023

Codes List of Spectrum TV Universal Remote

In the following table, there are spectrum Tv universal remote code lists. Check out all the code lists and pick the one which suits the universal remote to program well.

Samsung1959 , 2051 , 0812 , 0178
Toshiba1959 , 1343 , 2684 , 1524 , 1935 , 1369
RCA2183 , 2932 , 2746 , 0090 , 0047 ,1959 , 3577 , 3382 , 2855 , 0051 , 2434 , 3717 , 1661 , 1868 , 1958
LG0178 , 1768 , 1423 , 0017
Philips1365 , 1867 , 2622 , 2597 , 2992 , 1454 ,1990 , 0171 , 2492
Sony1685 , 0810
Panasonic1925 , 1927 , 1480 , 1947 , 0051
Insignia1517 , 1660 , 2751 , 0463 , 1204 , 1423 , 2049 , 0171 , 2417 , 1564 , 1326 , 1963
Magnavox1454, 0171 , 2597, 1755, 1913, 1867 , 1963, 1365, 0051 , 1990 , 2492
Zenith0047, 0178 , 0017,1661 , 0463, 1423 , 1365
Vizio1756, 2707 , 0885 , 1758 , 0864

3 Digit Universal Remote Codes for Spectrum TV

If you want to know about the spectrum tv 3 -digit universal remote codes then go through with the below table and choose one code to program a universal remote. if the code you selected is wrong then choose another code using the same manual method.

Sharp022 , 251 , 363 , 028 , 029 , 308 , 143 , 175 , 014 , 019
Philips059 , 093 , 333 , 363 , 594 , 127 , 038 , 164 , 003 , 206 , 161 , 116 , 431 , 005
Samsung228 , 258 , 143 , 333 , 229 , 363 , 105 , 089 , 050 , 127
Toshiba230 , 138 , 040 , 258 , 030 , 007 , 325
Insignia402 , 052 , 400 , 350 , 454
Panasonic524 , 208 , 034 , 164 , 080 , 359 , 056 , 552
Vizio387 , 386
LG112 , 102 , 106 , 113 , 363 , 116 , 284 , 569

List of Universal Remote Codes for Spectrum Cable Box

If you’re here to find out the universal remote codes for Spectrum cable box, then check the below table so you can find out your correct code.

So, here we bring for you universal remote control programming methods and universal remote codes that useful at the time of the programming. Here you get correct codes as well as correct programming methods which make your universal remote control compatible with your device easily.

Here we discussed three programming methods How to program your Secptre tv universal remote codes.

Philips0317 , 1305
Samsung1877 , 1376 , 0144
Zenith0525 , 0000 , 0899
Regal0273 , 0279
Panasonic0000 , 1376 , 1877 , 0107
Pioneer0144 , 0877 , 1877 , 0533
Motorola1187 , 1106 , 1540 , 1376 , 0810 , 0276 , 0476 , 1254
Jerrold0810 , 0276 , 0003 , 0476 , 0014 , 0012
i3 Micro1602
General Instrument ,0276 , 0476 , 0003 , 0810
Hamlin0273 , 0009
Vortex View0883
Pace0008 , 1376 , 0237 , 1877
Scientific Atlanta0008 , 0017 , 1877 , 0477 , 0877
Myrio1822 , 1602

Program Your Secptre TV Universal Remote Control -Code Search Method

In this method you didn’t need any type of “KEYCODE”. You can program your remote control without any keycode. In this method you have to apply the code which is given below. And your remote control is goes into search mode.

Step1: kindly check your device is “ON” or not.

Step2: Now you can tap on the “SETUP” button. From your remote control.

Step3: Now you’ll be apply the “9-9-1” code from your remote control.

Step4: Kindly hold the “POWER” button from your remote and simultaneously press the “CH+” button from your remote. When you release the button your device will be “turned off”.

Program Your Secptre TV Universal Remote Control – Manual Method

In this method we told how you can program your remote control by apply the codes. Through this method you can easily get to know about its make no. and model number.

Step1: I hope your device is “ON”.

Step2: Kindly tap on the “TV” button from your sceptre tv universal remote control.

Step3: Afterthis, you have to tap or press the “SETUP” button from universal remote control. Press these button until your indicator light is “ON”. It indicates you that your remote control is in learning mode.

Step4: kindly, apply the codes which is given above. All the universal remote codes given above. You have to enter your device in the table of the codes you can get your codes in front of the device name.

Once you perform all the programming instruction then you have to tap or hold the “Power” button from your remote control. When you release the “Power” button then your device screen turned to black or blue.

Now, your remote control is compatible with your TV(device that you want to make compatible with your universal remote control).

Program Spectrum Universal Remote RC122 Without Codes

Step :1 To begin with Turn ON the device like TV, DVD, etc that you want to program with the universal remote.

Step :2 In addition to this, click on the device button like TV, DVD, etc, and holding the device button press the OK\SEL key for about 3 seconds.

Step :3 The device light turns on for 30 seconds which means your device is ready to program.

Step :4 Next, point the remote towards your device then press and hold on the CH+ and CH- key till the device turns off.

Step :5 Now you just need to check the universal remote if there is some issue then repeat the same process.

Step :6 Lastly, save the code.

How to Sync Spectrum Remote to Receiver

If you want to pair your remote and receiver using the radio frequency then follow the below steps

  1. First, click on the MENU button
  2. Now, press the setting and support button from the left menu on your TV.
  3. Press SUPPORT from the left menu in your TV
  4. Now, select the remote control
  5. Next, select the RF pair new remote and follow the instruction given on the screen. 

How to Reset Spectrum Remote?

  1. Click on the TV button and hold it.
  2. Holding the TV button, click the OK button for a second and then leave the buttons at a time.
  3. Next, press and hold down the delete button for about 3 seconds
  4. Finally, the TV remote is reset to the factory setting.

How to Pair Spectrum Remote to TV?

  1. Switch on the TV
  2. Now, click on the TV button once on the remote then press and hold on to the SETUP button till the TV key blink twice.
  3. Enter 991 -digit code and the TV key will blink twice.
  4. Using the remote control, press 1 and the TV key blink twice.
  5. Press the CH+ button continuously till the device turns off
  6. Lastly, press the power button

How to get a New Spectrum Remote?

You can buy, replace or exchange your remote. If you can’t get a remote at no charge, then pick a replacement remote at the spectrum store. To replace your remote, bring an old remote. If you can’t find a spectrum store near you then you can contact us. We can replace your remote at no cost.

How to Program Spectrum RC122 Remote?

  1. First, switch ON the device that you want to operate with the remote.
  2. Hit the component button like TV, DVD, CBL and select the ok button till the component button blink twice
  3. Now enter the code 9 9 1 make sure to point out the remote to the device.

How to Program Spectrum Remote MG3 1160?

  1. To begin with, turn on your device like a TV and audio device.
  2. Press and hold on both MENU and OK keys till the keys blink twice.
  3. On the remote use the number pad to enter your code. To find your code check the above code list
  4. Lastly, check your remote to make sure that the remote is programming correctly.
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